Transition to Competitive Integrated Employment:  Valuing All Perspectives

i2i Work

The i2i Center for Integrative Health partnered with the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities to bring more awareness, education and understanding of all perspectives around Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE).  This is accomplished by offering opportunities for stakeholders representing important expertise to provide their perspectives, including expressing what they see as challenges and opportunities. 

2023 Competitive Integrated Employment:  Valuing All Perspectives

The i2i Center team and the NC Council of Developmental Disabilities held a Competitive Integrated Employment Summit on December 6, 2023 during the i2i Center 2023 Winter Conference.  This event brought all perspectives together for a conversation around the challenges and opportunities in the transition to Competitive Integrated Employment.  The Summit included speakers from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to provide the latest updates on the work to transition to CIE in our State.  A national expert also spoke so that all participants could understand the national trends and federal expectations.  These information components of the agenda helped to “level the knowledge” of participants.  The culmination of discussion was a list of recommendations and ideas of what to focus on over the next 12-months of transitioning to CIE.  The i2i Center team developed two products from the Summit:

Competitive Integrated Employment Resource Guide (includes definitions, links and glossary of terms)

What Would You Like to See Accomplished in the Next 12-Months Around Competitive Integrated Employment in North Carolina?:  Compiled Recommendations from all Perspectives

i2i Presentation @ NC TIDES, April 2024

Presentations from the CIE Summit: 

NC DHHS Presentations:

National Perspective Presentation:

Moving Toward Competitive Individualized Employment, Cathy Ficker Terrill

2022 Competitive Integrated Employment:  Valuing All Perspectives

The i2i Center and the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities began the partnership on Competitive Integrated Employment in 2022 and:

  • Conducted discovery meetings with stakeholders that hold personal, family and professional perspectives.  (Summer 2022)
  • Hosted an Information Session for stakeholders with speakers that represented all perspectives and levelled the knowledge around CIE. (November 2022)

Information Session Slides

Information Session Questions and Answers by Subject Matter Experts

  • Developed a White Paper with the themes of challenges and opportunities identified during the discovery meetings. (November 2022)

White Paper Executive Summary