September 19, 2018
Shifting from a MMIS to a MIMS will Upgrade State’s Managed Care Capacity
In 2013 NC DHHS went live with NC TRACKS. NC TRACKS is a multi-payer Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) that merged separate information systems for Medicaid, Health Choice, and other programs such as State MH/IDD/SUD funding (known as IPRS, Integrated Payment and Reporting System) and interacts with the NC FAST system that tracks Medicaid eligibility. Just five years later, NC TRACKS is not sophisticated enough to suffice in this new day of Medicaid Transformation. In fact, NC DHHS has now published a Request for Information (RFI) for what is now being called a Medicaid Integrated Modular Solution (MIMS). The goal of the RFI is “to solicit feedback from potential vendor partners that may be able to provide a solution to all or some of the identified MIMS modules.” Responses to the RFI will be accepted up to September 27, 2018.
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New RFI for Medicaid Managed Information System