Innovation Awards

Call for Nominations

The i2i Center for Integrative Health Innovation Awards recognize innovation in services and programming to increase integrated, whole person approaches to care. Nominations will be accepted from any individual or from any organization(s) serving those who utilize NC’s publicly funded MH/IDD/SUD service system.

Award Categories

Quality Commitment

Organizations that demonstrate commitment to improvement in the quality of service delivery by demonstrating improved treatment and outcomes that result in measurable improvements in the lives of the individuals served.


Innovative technologies that assist individuals with any of the following: care access, independence, self-care, self-determination or advocacy.

Whole Person Care

Programs or services that demonstrate integrative approaches and address Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in providing care for individuals with MH/IDD/SUD needs. 

Community Inclusion

Initiatives that bring together community partners/stakeholders to promote the inclusion of individuals in their local communities.

Individual and Family Initiatives

Programs or services led by individuals and/or family members to improve the lives of those served in the public MH/IDD/SUD system.

Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria as applicable:

  • Person Centeredness and Whole Person Focus
  • Innovation
  • Flexibility in service management and empowerment at service delivery level
  • Demonstration of positive outcomes
  • Accessibility/user friendliness

Deadline for Submission is October 14, 2019