June 11, 2020
Crisis is defined as “the turning point in an acute situation that has reached a critical phase.”
For the past several months, we’ve been dealing with the coronavirus crisis, finding ways to conduct business in this “new normal,” a phrase that’s become increasingly wearisome. But the past 2 weeks are a painful reminder, and hopefully a call to action or at least to attention, of the longer-standing crisis of racial inequality in our country.
The i2i Center for Integrative Health joins with our stakeholders in sadness and anger over George Floyd’s murder and Christian Cooper’s targeted treatment, knowing that these men are only 2 of unknown numbers. We support the right of every citizen to legal and peaceful demonstration against systemic racism and senseless killings. We commit to seeking changes with our words and work, both individually and as an organization, to move us forward. We will do better.
Mary Hooper, MSW, ACSW
i2i Center for Integrative Health